What is MNRI?
MNRI or the Masgutova Method is a comprehensive set of programs, created by Dr. Masgutova, serving hundreds of thousands of people across the globe. It is commonly known as “the missing link”. MNRI is unique in that it works with primary reflex patterns at a subcortical level, where most therapies, schooling, training uses a cortical approach; some may call that “putting the cart before the horse”. MNRI uses primary reflex patterns to establish a critical foundation that strengthens the nervous system, stress resilience, and neuroplasticity of the brain.
A reflex is a specific motor response of the nervous system to internal or external stimuli.
Primary reflexes are seen in utero; help an infant enter the world; are the foundation for development; commonly maturing around 2-3 years of age. These reflex patterns integrate, serve as pillars, and become the neurological foundation for all we do. They are responsible for stability, grounding, postural control, proprioceptive awareness, auditory and visual skills, communication, behavior, and so much more, even our protection and survival. If these basic reflex patterns do not mature/integrate or are inhibited the support system is lacking. Birth traumas, prolonged stress, genetic or environmental factors, accidents, or illnesses can prevent or damage these pillars of life, leaving us with compensations; this imbalance causes stress in our bodies. Specialists activate sensory stimuli and provide the correct motor pattern, teaching at a brainstem level.
Sensory + Motor Pattern = Foundation
“Negative protection is present when a reflex fails to mature, and a dysfunctional reflex response continues beyond a time that is necessary or useful. A hyperactive Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) requires one to tighten arm and shoulder muscles to prevent the arm from straightening out when writing on the right side of a paper and creates difficulties in crossing the midline and organizing work in visual or auditory midfield. A child with a retained Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR) has difficulty sitting and may wrap his ankles around his chair legs to prevent his knees from straightening when his arms are bent. All these compensations not only drain energy away from the task at hand, but also impede healthy motor development.” Mary Rentshler, M.Ed., 2008
Dr. Masgutova proposes integration of primary reflex patterns as intervention to promote:
Healthy protection/survival responses
Optimal self-regulation
Gross and fine motor development and coordination
Enhanced attention, focus, memory, and perseverance
Academic achievement
Refinement of controlled, skillful, intentional movement
Motivation and confidence
Maturation of social skills
Increased immunity
Mature cognitive development
“The first infant movements do not disappear; they continue to work in union with higher nervous formations…” Russian psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, 1930
MNRI programs have promoted Neurosensorimotor development and improved motor, emotional, and cognitive functioning in children and adults with:
Learning Disabilities/Challenges
Asperger’s Syndrome
Down Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Emotional Disturbances
Sensory Processing Disorder
Genetic Disorders
Brain Stroke
As Pamela Curlee, co-founder of SMEI (Svetlana Masgutova Educational Institute) shares, “We do not see a problem that must be fixed. Instead, we are trained to look for what works and build on that firm structure by awakening the innate intelligence of nature within the body. When the body experiences safety it is free to explore, grow, experience new, higher and more efficient pathways that lead to natural development and maturation.”